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Finex Currency Exchange Vancouver
  • Contact Us
    (604) 681-2062
  • Vancouver Office
    1135 W Pender Street Vancouver

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At Finex Currency Exchange, we know how challenging being a newcomer to Canada can be. When you are starting your future in a new country, it can seem like there are a thousand things to worry about. At Finex Currency Exchange, exchanging your currency or transferring over funds from your home country doesn’t have to be one of them. We have worked with immigrants and immigration specialists for over twenty years with great success. Let us make at least one aspect of creating a new life in Canada a little bit simpler.

Setting up your future in Canada?

Finex Currency Exchange’s highly knowledgeable staff closely monitors the ever-changing foreign exchange market while consulting with clients and/or their agents, offering insight on economic news, market trends, and exchange opportunities.

Talk to us! We have an impeccable reputation among immigration consultants and real estate agents, and personalized service assists clients with large exchange requests that involve transferring assets to Canada.


Clients can also instruct Finex to deal directly with their account managers, or with private bankers at any financial institution.

Bankers can arrange transfers between accounts, depending on the financial institution for which they work.

We speak your language

Our multi-lingual Specialists can help you, whether or not English is your first language. Contact us for assistance.

Finex vs. Other Financial Institutions

Clients can expect to save in comparison to both foreign and domestic financial institutions. Once a client has arranged for a bank draft to be issued in, they can confirm the exchange rate directly by phone.